Think Big, Act Small

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
- Chinese Proverb

You may have heard motivational speakers talk about the importance of taking 'massive action.' And we all have heard the phrase "no pain, no gain." 

I am a believer in big goals, but I think the best way to achieve big goals is by taking small steps. Small, consistent steps trump sporadic hard effort every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

If you are in school, it's much more effective to review your class notes for 5 minutes a day than to pull an all-nighter studying for the final exam.

If you want to get in shape, it's much more effective to work-out 20 minutes a day than to work-out for 3 hours once a week.

Here are 3 reasons you should achieve your goals by starting with small steps:

1. It's More Effective.

The reason most people don't achieve their goals or keep New Year's resolutions is that their plan is unrealistic. Telling yourself you won't have sweets for a year or that you will work-out 6 days a week for 2 hours is setting yourself up for failure. 

2. It Creates Momentum.

With small steps, you are constantly moving in the right direction. Just as saving a little money regularly creates an amazing compound effect, the same is true with consistent small steps that move you toward your big goal.

3. It Builds Confidence.

When you consistently follow through on your small steps, you experience daily victories. Success builds confidence and confidence creates more success. The positive upward spiral builds upon itself. 

So, by all means, think big. Set high goals. We live best when we are on a mission. But remember, big change starts small.